DIY projects for the whole family
21st Jul 2022

The school holidays are here and when you're not away or out on a day trip, it can be tough to find inexpensive ways to keep the kids occupied. Here are a few of our favourite DIY ideas and household projects that the whole family can get involved with.
Get growing
Garden planting, whether it’s seeds, bulbs or flowers is one of the most satisfying DIY tasks you can do, according to our research. So why not get the whole family involved in this enjoyable past time and get growing? You don’t need a big garden to successfully grow something, a window box or a pot is a great place to start. To really get the kids involved, check out the Draper Tools Young Gardener range of tools designed for the next generation of gardeners. Once the planting is done, the whole family can take turns with watering and watching for signs of life sprouting.
Frame it
Why not brighten up wooden photo frames by giving them a fresh coat of colourful paint? This is an easy task for little ones to get stuck into and the finished article could even be used to frame one of their own works of art. Mirror frames are another option to paint together as a family and they can really look great with a bold new colour applied to the frame.
Feed the birds
Now is a great time to start trying to attract more birds to your garden or outside space. Bird feeders can be as complex or as simple as you want them to be, here’s one where all you need is bird seed, peanut butter and a toilet roll tube – this would be an ideal activity for little ones. If you want something more permanent, you could build a bird table or a bird feeder, there are plenty of step-by-step guides online to inspire you and you could get the kids involved in helping you choose a project.
Declutter your life
Every household builds up clutter over time, whether you’ve got a lot or a little, now could be the time to take it on as a family. Assign each member of the family a job role, it could be going through their own room for unwanted items or creating piles of items to be recycled. Have a think about some new storage options and how you could organise your space to make the most of it. Be sure to reward yourself and the family once the decluttering is done.
Let us know if you try out any of these ideas – or get in touch to share any other great family DIY projects. You’ll find plenty of tools to help with any of these DIY projects and many more on our website.