Draper's sustainability efforts recognised by the DIY Week awards

2nd May 2024

Draper's sustainability efforts recognised by the DIY Week awards

Draper Tools is thrilled to announce that it has made the shortlist for the 2024 DIY Week Awards in the Sustainability Initiative category. These prestigious annual awards recognise achievement and innovation from suppliers and retailers in the DIY, home improvement and garden industries.

Slashing Single-Use Plastic for a Sustainable Future

Draper Tools takes sustainability seriously and has a number of initiatives in place across all areas of the business to help drive positive change, from our environmentally efficient new warehouse to our high recycling rates (at least 80% of our waste is recycled). One of our core focuses is to help create a more sustainable future for everyone by eliminating as much plastic waste as we can from our packaging and that’s the focus of our DIY Week entry this year. It is an ongoing journey, but it is a real honour to have our efforts to date recognised by the industry, which includes a significant reduction in annual plastic packaging output. We’re not standing still on our targets for further improvements but these awards offer us a moment to reflect and celebrate our progress so far.

The DIY Week Awards Ceremony

This year the DIY Week Awards are being celebrated at a special lunchtime ceremony to be held at the prestigious Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden in London. The awards are the highest acclaimed celebration of excellence in the home improvement industry, with a shortlist full of the stars of the industry.

Thank you & Good Luck to all!

Draper Tools would like to say good luck to all the entrants, it’s an honour to be featured on the shortlist alongside some fantastic organisations in the industry.

You can follow our progress and latest updates on sustainability on our website.

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